Buy Shoes, Plant A Tree On Earth: My Experience At Earth Shoes!

An eco-friendly shoe company that plants a tree with every shoe purchase?! Earth Shoes, you had me at hello. It’s important to me to explore and get to know brands who prioritize and do positive things for the world and being a New Yorker and traveler who is on the go a lot, I’ve come to value comfort, minimalism and high-quality in my life to the utmost, so I was excited to see what Earth Shoes were all about!

I’d heard about their “Powerpath footbed” design that enhances the natural movement of the foot and Powerpath has strong shamanic meaning to me as well, so all the signs and synchronicities were calling for me to finally go in-store and try this brand on.  I head to California regularly to reconnect to nature and recharge my battery, so I decided to venture to the Huntington Beach, CA location.  Right away I was excited to see a fun pair of athletic-looking midtops with moccasin detailing in the store window that were definitely speaking to me and once inside I tried on about four different styles and was honestly blown away by the comfort.

The “Saunter” style hugged my foot impeccably and I could feel their attention to detail they put into their arch support, premium lining and amazing cushioning. I knew it was going to be super hard to make a purchase decision, but I ended up going with that gorgeous pair from the store window - “Jaunt” in olive, and as I am heading to Bali next week, I also grabbed their “Hera” sandal in green and pewter to wear as I immerse I the island life.

I am very mindful of where I shop and how I shop and my soul lit up knowing that these two purchases also just planted two trees and that the deep love and respect I have for our planet and the sacredness of trees could be honored in this way.

To best understand how truly special these shoes are, I highly recommend going in-store to try them on, feel that Powerpath for yourself and feel empowered by your purchase, as you’re making sure your feet that have carried you for so long are held with love and so are the trees and our dear planet Earth!!

Alyson Charles