Your July energy forecast: *now* is the time to put dreams into action

Photo: Well+Good Creative

Photo: Well+Good Creative

Here’s your energetic forecast for July, straight from the cosmic divinations of Alyson Charles (AKA RockStar Shaman). Consider it your monthly metaphysical roadmap—including the spirit animals (there are a *lot* this month) that Charles says can help you thrive over the next four weeks. 

Can you believe you’re saying hello to the midway point of 2018? The changes and new embodiments you became aware of wanting to initiate months ago—where are you, exactly, with those shifts now? Are you allowing yourself to evolve and expand despite some discombobulation, fear, or panic that may be coming with your growth? Or are you clinging and gripping super tightly to the ways that you are familiar and comfortable with, even though you and your soul are calling for the change?

Alyson Charles