Third Eye Certified is officially sold-out! Be sure to leave your email below to gain first access to Alyson’s next course, coming soon!
For all healers & lightworkers ready to expand in your spiritual gifts & brand / business!
The world needs you. It’s time…
Hello powerful being!
Thank you for taking your next step forward in claiming your willingness to accept more abundance, Divine power, miracles, business smarts and further activation of your healing abilities into your life!
Stepping into EVERYTHING you came here to Earth to do!
I'll get right to it: Third Eye Certified is the most powerful offering I've ever had.
I have walked the journey of balancing being a healer and an entrepreneur running my own brand for many years now.
I went from a life hosting radio and television shows and in immense suffering and illness from denying and suppressing my spiritual gifts and true calling, to requiring a massive Divine Intervention to lift the veil from my third eye (because of the suppression and denying), to stepping out of the spiritual closet and feeling completely scared and confused over trying to figure out the first steps and how this works in the real world, AS A BUSINESS...
ALLLLL the way to speaking at “The New York Times”, guiding live shamanic readings and a talk for the world's largest-ever female-lead festival “POPSUGAR Playground,” making history being the first person ever on-stage in the 25 years of “the HBO Film Festival” where I guided over 10,000 people in a shamanic journey, being featured as the cover story and in “Marie Claire Magazine” three times, in “Forbes” twice, named a "Top Meditation" by “Oprah Magazine,” a "Top Limit-Breaking Female Founder" by “Huffington Post,” guided meditations for Google and Amazon's Alexa system, Hosting my own talk show, “Soul Reboot,” being the energy guru and monthly spiritual columnist for "best health site" “Well and Good” and the list goes on and on…
I am also Founder and CEO of Shamanic Media - a consultancy agency that has gotten conscious brands and practitioners out into the global spotlight, in major press, being interviewed by top-ranked podcasts and publications and also provided media training to ensure you're ready to shine on-camera, giving that talk, leading that retreat or event etc...
I share just some of what I've been blessed to experience because I want you to know you are in top-notch hands and all of this is possible for you too if you are devoted in walking the path...
I have traversed the landscapes on a business and earthly level, all while growing everyday in my shamanic, healing and mystic gifts too!
This way of living has brought expansion, miracles and experiences far beyond my wildest imagination and I'm ready to share EVERYTHING with you.
In Third Eye Certified not only will you be guided in Business and Branding with:
Creating powerful copywriting, business and social media strategies
Clarity on what your main healing medicine is and how it can most powerfully and effectively be of service and known to the world
Steps to get in the media and press, expand your name and gifts
Taking existing creative concepts to the next levels
Learn how to be on-air, on-camera, construct a powerful talk, write articles and columns, host global retreats and events, partner with renowned brands, get sponsorships for your social media
Support in getting out of your own way and transcending any self-sabotaging, old patterns that have held you back, limiting beliefs etc.
You will be connecting with other EPIC beings and fellow healers in this Third Eye Certified Mastermind family! You will be able to unite and support each other too!
You will be able to LAUNCH your vision, services and brand out to the world!
But you will also be fully guided and supported on the Spiritual side! With:
Channeled, personalized messages delivered straight to you around business and life - whatever messages are needed to be delivered for your highest, greatest good
Unveiling your personal spiritual super powers, unique medicine & personalized practices to unite with those super powers best!
Empowerment medicine and personalized messages from the Spirit Animals who wish to come forward to most help you on your journey at this time
Receiving personalized methods & deeper understandings of your layers of awakenings that help you embody your power and gifts even more
Guided meditations and mystical, shamanic practices just for this Mastermind group - all to activate this next phase of your business, practice and life!
What other love and light guides are with you to support your path
Energetic blessings and clearings to ensure your vibration and energy body are integrating the ascension and all systems are working together to fuel your power and purpose
Continued practices to open your Divine connection and Third Eye so that once the Mastermind wraps you can continue to receive the downloads needed to empower your journey!
How Third Eye Certified Mastermind works:
You will be on an exclusive 4 month journey with me. We will meet live, online twice every month to dive deep into your brand, your practice, where you're at, where you need to go and more
Along with meeting live with me and the group twice every month, you will also receive additional support all throughout the month via email Q&A time, personalized channeled messages delivered to you in voice recordings, guided meditations and additional tips and practices along the way to keep the energy current flowing strong and constant
You will head into 2020, the year of the visionary, the year of clear, accurate vision, fully aligned and clear on what you need to do, to be in embodiment of your brand and gifts! This will be a catapulting phase in your life where you go from one life portal to another!
Divine Guidance, Resources, Motivation, Inspiration, Community, Support
Plenty of surprise bonuses all along the way
Head into a new decade, the decade of 2020 vision, Powerfully, Clearly, YOU
From confusion to clarity, stress to alignment, fearful to excited, overwhelmed to grounded power and peace
By the end of our 4 month journey you will receive your Third Eye Certified Official Certificate of Completion but we will also have a THIRD EYE CERTIFIED Wrap Party in either NYC or LA! Ayyyyy! To all come together in person and celebrate everyone's growth and 2020! Transportation to the wrap party is up to each member and *not required to attend in order to complete the Mastermind. This is simply a magical bonus of a celebration to honor your bravery, expansion and power!
Many business masterminds go for $50,000. Yes, you read that correctly! But I am making this mastermind FAR below that AND far below its actual value because I want to support the rise of more healers and lightworkers in the world!
It’s A Game-changing time for you and the planet!
And there has never been a program offered like this that brings with it such incredible powerful support on both the Earthly/Business side AND Spiritual/Connected to Divine side!!
You must also know that I am purposefully keeping this Mastermind group small so that each of you gets the full attention and support you deserve and need.
So with all that being said, Third Eye Certified will simply be open on a first to get registered = first to officially be enrolled and a member of Third Eye Certified, basis!
If your soul is exclaiming YES! And you can just feel this is the leap you need to take to dive into the Authentic life of your dreams, aligned with your calling and life purpose, being of service to other living beings and the world, all while evolving, having fun and growing amazing abundance - then jump into registering NOW and secure YOUR spot in
Third Eye Certified!
Just some of what my students & colleagues have said:
“Alyson is an empowered female leader who walks her talk and most importantly, inspires and uplifts other women to do the same.”
-Sahara Rose, Best-Selling Author and Host of Highest Self Podcast
“Alyson’s unique combination of superpowers within both the subtle and material worlds is unparalleled. Lucky for us, she uses it to help her students remove inner obstacles to being seen on a Cosmic Level, and combines it with her expert knowledge of the media world to make it all happen in the Earth realm. I’ve had a chance to experience both parts of this work, and all I can say is... WOW!”
-Ksenia Avdulova, Founder of Breakfast Criminals
"To describe Alyson as inspiring, transformative and a joy would be an epic understatement. Engaging, caring, and intelligent, with an uncanny knack of making the mystical accessible, she is a total transformative spirit with true power to catalyze change: in your life, your space, your mind, and soul. She is a true goddess on all levels!" -
Lianna Sugarman, Founder of LuliTonix
“Alyson Charles is a true powerhouse! At a time when Earth is calling us to awaken and activate, this sister is not only heeding her own call, but showing up to be of service for us all. We are sincerely blessed she is here.”
-Natavi Orion, Earth Warrior
"Working with Alyson has been amazing! It has been a life-changing experience. It helped me to step into my confidence, to own my vision that I have for my life, and to solidify my resolve to pursue my life purpose. Alyson is truly gifted and can help anybody go from where they are to where they want to be!"
-Alexis Irwin
"What makes Alyson uniquely impressive is her authentic, vulnerability and all around realness. Through her work as a TV and radio host, she’s brought meditation and sacred ritual to the mainstream in a powerfully creative way. You’re going to learn exactly what to do to shake loose from self-imposed limitations, and how she mastered the art of playing big and charging ahead in full, authentic glory!"
-Luke Storey, Host of Top-Rated The Life Stylist Podcast
While many masterminds charge from $30,000-$50,000, if paid in full up front, the rate for Third Eye Certified Mastermind is just $3,497
(payment plans of 2 or 4 installments available upon request: two payments of $1,824 or 4 payments of $949. Credit Card accepted)
As soon as you register at the button above you will receive our welcome email with official start-date!
I cannot wait to work with Source to help facilitate you owning why you incarnated, activating your grandest Divine power and light and letting you finally be the you, you came here to be!
It's time to ASCEND past limitations AND be fully supported as you expand, and RISE!
The Door to Third Eye Certified Mastermind is now officially open!
This is THAT decision point! To lift the veil on your new life!
To ensure you are one of the members of Third Eye Certified Mastermind, be sure to register right away as doors will close soon.
Blessings always,
p.s. if you and a friend enroll together, you will both receive 10% off!
p.p.s. if you are a returning client or student you receive 13% off!
see you soon!
More about Alyson, your guide for Third Eye Certified:
Internationally renowned Television Host, Speaker and Spiritual Awakener, Alyson Charles aka RockStar Shaman went from being a national champion athlete, #1-rated radio host and national daytime television talk show host to aligning with her calling as a mystic and shamanic practitioner after a traumatic moment provided her awakening.
Since then, her ability to share ancient sacred wisdom and divine energy and be a powerful catalyst for change has ignited a global phenomenon, bringing meditation and sacred ritual to the mainstream in powerfully creative ways and Oprah Magazine naming her a "Top Meditation," Forbes calling her work “A Full-Fledged Guide Into Your Psyche,” Huffington Post championing her as “A Top Limit-Breaking Female Founder” and Marie Claire Magazine selecting her as the cover story and her work being featured as "The Next Big Thing."
Alyson has dedicated her life to spiritual initiations, immersions and teachings, activating prophecies such as the Rainbow Warrior Prophecy, and preserving ancient wisdom practices and indigenous traditions. She works with various non-profits such as ANIWA, whose entire purpose is to honor the sacred truths of our planet and preserve the cultures and rituals that unite humans more deeply with our planet and the power within.
Overall, Alyson is here serving as a bridge, uniting the worlds of consciousness and media, and has been a leading pioneer in this work, taking it to places it has never been before:
She is resident guru for "Best Health Site" Well and Good, where she provides a monthly spirit animal + energy forecast, she made history becoming the first person to ever perform on stage in the 25-year-history of the HBO Film Festival, where she guided a long-form meditation for over 10,000 people, spoke and performed live spirit animal readings at the world’s largest ever female-led festival (over 15,000 attendees), POPSUGAR Play/Ground, shares guidance and journeys on Amazon's award-winning technology, Alexa and Google Home and regularly partners with and speaks at renowned global brands like The New York Times, National Geographic Channel, Tory Burch, Forbes, Art Basel, SAKS, ABC Radio, ELLE, SELF and others and now, through Alyson Charles Shamanic Media™, she offers media training + brand consultation/expansion and PR services to clients making positive change for the world.
Alyson’s entire life path, since birth, has been immersed in one facet of healthy, awakened living to the next – intensive studies and journalism with metaphysics, national champion athlete, division I college coach, advanced certified personal trainer, advanced studies and immersions in meditation, healing, journeying and mysticism with other global leaders, Chief Benki Piyako of the Ashaninka Tribe of the Brazilian Amazon, Chief Ninawa Pai Da Mata of the Huni Kuin, legendary indigenous elders of the Wixarika traditions of Mexico, Don Eustolio de la Cruz and his wife Rosalia lemus de la Rosa, and Matua Louis of the Maori people, renowned Pandita high priest/Balian Ida Pandita Mpu Dharmaya Purusa Parama Daksa (the highest teacher) of Bali, indigenous elders of the Mapuche Pewenche Nation, Mapuche Lafkenche territory, and the Catarpe of the Likan Antay Nation of the Atacama Desert, Mamos of Columbia, Tata Pedro Cruz, one of the few surviving members of the Mayan Council of the Elders of Tz'utujil, Nana Marina- Mayan healer, day keeper, herbalist, and conductor of the Cacao, Temazcal and Fire Ceremonies, Sufi, Celtic, Maori and Egyptian traditions, Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Center for Sacred Traditions, Power Path School of Shamanism, Peruvian sacred traditions taught by Tito La Rosa, initiated by African shamanic ancestral elders of Yoruba, Bantu, and Mandinka, the Tuscarora Natives, and Quetzalcoatl.
Alyson has shaken loose from self-imposed limitations, shares her mastery of the art of playing big in full authentic glory and her story of going from suffering to surrender to service. Her on-going commitment to continued master studies, rites of passage and immersions in shamanism and mysticism, courageously exploring the ever-evolving highest potential and assisting countless people in reconnecting to their power has landed her as a leading global voice.