Your June spirit animal + energy horoscope: one of the most revered creatures is coming through right now
The power of the turtle is here—and that is a huge (spirit animal) deal, says “RockStar Shaman” Alyson Charles. Revered for its connection to major earth energy, the turtle has your back for those deep-down dreams you’ve been thinking about forever—so here’s everything you need to know about harnessing its powers this month.
Anyone else feel like a few lifetimes were lived in the month of May?! It’s been such a mix of energies and opportunities to really step into one of the main themes: self-esteem. June is definitely bringing with it a whole new set of rules, asking us to be more conscious in working with Earth energies and to practice being less reactive.
This month, anytime you are triggered by someone or something, practice “the pause.” Rather than jump into a reaction that may cause you or others pain: breathe, breathe, breathe. Drop into yourself deeply. Connect to where you are in the moment and remember you are in charge of how you feel and your energies and emotions in the situation. Be sure to take as much time as you need to truly be calm and centered before responding. Get clear about: “What is my truth in this situation? How do I want to feel in this? What energy do I want to bring to the table?”
We are here on Earth to learn, love, and evolve—and June presents us with the energies to go big with that.
June is a time for you to really beautifully be anchored in your power, and if you want an experience to be an incredible one, know that you can absolutely make it so. Get resolute that this experience is one that you are so in gratitude and joy about that no outside force will be able to move that.
This month will also be a fun time to be adventurous but perhaps not in the way you think. A message that came in was that June is an exploration of the psyche—to see where life takes you to grow. So be open to an unexpected invitation to go on a trip, meet with a healer, or experience something that may be totally new for you. If your intuition says yes, lean into that call and expand your perceptions of yourself and be willing to be humble and gracious and ask questions along the way. Remember, we are here on Earth to learn, love, and evolve—and June presents us with the energies to go big with that!
And with the greater warmth of summer and all the possibility for exploration, the other main theme is to honor “the bloom”—not just with nature, but yourself, too. Take a moment on a weekly basis to get present and