Meme Magic & Opening the Power of Your Conscious Creativity with James McCrae

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Before this episode, I thought memes were just funny pictures to make you laugh. What I didn’t know is that they can have many purposes—including teaching others and increasing their spiritual connection.

Meme artist James McCrae certainly uses memes to make people smile, but also uses them to help people explore their inner selves and potentially expand in consciousness.  You've probably seen his memes on Instagram—they spread like wildfire daily.

James isn’t just a meme maker though—he’s a fantastic poet and  the author of How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis (the world’s first meme book—and I love it).

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. How he got into the world making spiritual and consciousness memes for a living (hint: it may have involved a ceremonial use of cannabis and a Terence McKenna document)

  2. James shares some of his personal creative processes and tips for you 

  3. What is a meme? (and a little bit about the history of memes)

  4. Some of my favorite quotes, poems, and funny parts of James’ book

  5. Why gentleness is one of humanity’s greatest superpowers and much, much more.

James also discusses his sacred experiences with ayahuasca and how cannabis — and if they’ve been conducive to his creativity.

Make sure to join us in our closing practice: James shares two never-been-heard-before poems that rocked my world (honestly two of the best poems I have ever heard).

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Visit James on his Instagram at @wordsarevibrations. Find links to his books and get in touch with him a

This episode was made possible by Lotus Wei. Check them out at —and make sure to use code MYSTIC to get your Soul Fam discount!

Alyson Charles