The Igniting Mega Power of Twin Flames with Lena Franklin and Jeff Glattstein

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I am so happy to welcome you into today's mega powerful episode. We have the great pleasure of sitting with not one, but two amazing guests. 

Lena Franklin is a modern medicine, woman, transpersonal psychotherapist, and transformational speaker. She offers the ancient practices of meditation, energy medicine, and psycho-spiritual healing in an accessible way. 

Her partner, Jeff Glattstein is a dedicated healing professional, teacher, and spiritual guide with decades of study and practice in the arts of shamanic healing, energy medicine, Tai Chi and more. He has been initiated into many different shamanic traditions, and if that wasn’t enough, he's also an accomplished entrepreneur, writer, teacher, and guides groups on spiritual adventure retreats with his partner Lena. 

Lena and Jeff are also both the founders of the East Institute, a global organization that exists to support the healing and awakening of humanity and the planet through ancient embodied practices, plant medicines, and cutting edge science.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. each of their individual healing paths that got them both individually in a place of readiness for twin flame reunion or sacred partnership

  2. the WILD story of how they met

  3. how “initiations” became a theme for them throughout their time together and separately

  4. some of most spiritually pivotal experiences in their lives

  5. Publicly sharing for the first time about their deeply life-changing and clearing away scenarios encountered once they grew into a couple, where greatest fears and challenges were faced 

There is so much medicine in their storytelling, so kick back, light a candle, set an honoring space, and enjoy.

Make sure to join us in our closing practice: a guided shamanic journey (from both Lena and Jeff) that can allow you to get more fully connected with your soul and what you're really here to be. 

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Find out more about The East Institute at, and connect with Lena at or on social media @iamlenafranklin. Connect with Jeff on Instagram at @energymedicineman

This episode was made possible by my new book, Animal Power—available now! You can find out more at my website,

Alyson Charles