Whom Lightning Strikes Twice: Shamanic Journeys of a Weather Worker with Daniel Duron

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We’ve all heard that lightning never strikes the same place twice, but in Daniel Duron’s case, it was no coincidence.

After being struck by lightning twice, and finally having the space created from sobriety and plant teachers, Daniel was able to hear his calling and was initiated as a weather worker from central Mexico.

His work in this lineage is to sustain and raise awareness around having good relationships with the natural elements, especially the rain waters.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. he shares his super unique healing style with us today

  2. why I call it the “zip zaps”

  3. what human tuning is 

  4. some unique experiences we had together saling the Caribbean

  5. his power animal connections with the scarab beetle, goat and more

We obviously get into all things around him being struck by lightning, around what weather working is. We talk powerful stories and experiences of animal guide initiations. I actually do a live power animal reading with, and for Daniel—which you won’t want to miss.

Make sure to join us in our closing practice, as Daniel sings us a beautiful medicine song of the elements—allowing every part of your body to connect to an element.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com.

Check out Daniel’s website, Whole Sky Healing Arts. Follow him on instagram: @wholeskyrescue

This episode was made possible by Lotus Wei. Make sure to use the code MYSTIC at checkout for your Soul Fam discount!

Alyson Charles