Calling all Leaders of the New Myth with Kristina Marie

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You are in for a treat, Soul Fam—you’re about to simultaneously dive into the New Myth portal while also immersing in one of the most important interviews I've ever done! 

For more than a decade, Kristina Marie worked as a journalist and an editor at top national publications, including Travel & Leisure and The New York Times. She left all of that to truly get into her own soul's alignment—and in alignment with the new myth.

She now combines her creative talents, intuitive gifts and soul’s wisdom to mentor transformational leaders, visionaries, authors, and storytellers.

Please let me know on @IAMALYSONCHARLES what this conversation awakened or activated inside of you. 

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. What is the New Myth?

  2. Exploring divine union

  3. The polarity of human and divine + masculine and feminine

  4. What it will take to bravely be a leader of the New Myth

  5. More about Kristina’s journey

Make sure to join us in our closing practice: a guided meditation where Kristina poetically opens the doorway to honor ourselves. 

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Find Kristina on Instagram: @voyagesofthespirit or visit her website,

This episode was made possible by the bestselling Animal Power Book and Card Deck. Order from my website to get a free guided shamanic journey where you can meet your power animal!

Alyson Charles