From Escapism to All-In Sacred Sex & Sacred Union with Stefanos Sifandos

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Many people deal with trauma in less-than-healthy ways. Nobody knows this better than Stefanos Sifandos. After escaping his traumas through travel, pornography, food, and even suicidal thoughts, he realized something needed to change.

Fast forward to today, Stefanos is a relationship coach and somatics and trauma guide. He merges the best of Eastern and Western methodologies and philosophies to promote balanced sacredness in power, life, and love. Utilizes integrative techniques and methods such as neural empowerment. shamanic practice, breath work, Western psychology, Eastern mysticism, and so much more.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. Stefanos’s experience traversing the depths of his own pain and his coping mechanisms

  2. his aim is to be a voice for the voiceless to assist individuals in actualizing the fullness of their potential

  3. he vulnerably shares about some his latest discoveries via his growing family

  4. some of the ways Stefanos escaped his trauma

  5. some actionable advice we can take ourselves to lean fully in to sacred union and sex

We also add in one of my favorite components of Ceremony Circle today: listener questions! A big thank you to those who submitted a question to @IAMALYSONCHARLES.

Today’s questions include “how can we reconnect sexually when we're both stressed?”, “how do I create polarity with my male partner If he is passive?”, or “how can you evaluate trying again with someone from your past?” and many more.

Make sure to join us in our closing practice, where Stefanos has us healthily tend to the needs of our inner child.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Follow Stefanos on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook: @stefanossifandos and his website,

This episode was made possible by the bestselling Animal Power Book and Card Deck. Order from my website to get a free guided shamonic journey where you can meet your power animal!

Alyson Charles