Lessons From The Hero’s Journey & Hero’s Dosing with Kyle Kingsbury

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As a former UFC fighter, Kyle Kingsbury knew how to deal some heavy blows. But when life dealt him some blows of its own, nearly losing his life, he had some eye-opening experiences with dosing which changed everything.  

Kyle is the former Director of Human Optimization at Onnit, and is currently the host of his own show, “Kyle Kingsbury Podcast”

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. he shares his darkest moment in life that nearly took them from this earth plane,

  2. how he's the quantum shifter in his family line

  3. how he healed wounds from his childhood (and the brave steps his dad even took to mend the relationship),

  4. why humility is such a beautiful key in walking the path

  5. what taking “hero dosing” amounts in various plant medicine & sacred ceremonies taught him

We’ll explore Kyle's openly shared experiences of ceremonies he was called into and his interactions with the spirits of the plants and fungi.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com.

Visit Kyle’s website to find more about him and his podcast. 

This episode was made possible by Dharma Coaching Institute where you can become a double certified soul purpose & dharma life coach. Be sure to use code ALYSON in the coupon area when you register - this is the only way you will also receive a FREE copy of my best-selling book, ANIMAL POWER, along with a free video guided shamanic journey to meet the power animal who wants to support your career. Head to https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/ref/136/ to enroll and use code ALYSON at checkout. Doors for enrollment are only open now - April 03

Alyson Charles