A Shamanic Initiation Special: Alyson’s Journey Hosted by Maria Menounos

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I wanted to do something extra special today—so we’re rebroadcasting two back-to-back episodes from my guest appearance on “Better Together with Maria Menounos.”

While you probably know who Maria is, in case you don't, she has been the host for shows like Access Hollywood, Extra, E! News, The Today Show, and NBC Nightly News. She is an actor as well as a New York Times bestselling author.

But her whole life changed when she got the call that her mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In a surprise twist, months later, Maria herself was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. She ended up having brain surgery on her birthday, which she saw as a rebirth.

She decided to make some big changes in her life, thus her podcast “Better Together with Maria Menounos” was born!

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. I share in unique ways about my own spiritual awakening and journey to shamanism and how you can discover that path for yourself,

  2. how I wrote my book Animal Power

  3. how we can all tap into our animal guides and call to them in times of confusion or when we are need of extra love and support

  4. I do a live reading for Maria—and share which animals came in for her + what they reveal for her

  5. important things to honor when walking the Shamanic path

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com.

Pick up your own copy of my best-selling book, ANIMAL POWER, anywhere books are sold or from my website where you’ll also receive a free guided Shamanic journey to meet your current power animal.

Check out “Better Together with Maria Menunous”, anywhere you get your podcasts! You can also visit Maria on Instagram.

Alyson Charles