Temple of Transformation: Clear & Release Your Anxiety with Dr. Ellen Vora

On today’s show we’re diving into a topic that I've definitely had plenty of firsthand experience with. And a topic that when provided with solutions, I feel is an incredibly important one for humanity at this time: anxiety.

In order to help us do that, we’ve invited an expert—Dr. Ellen Vora, author of the new book “The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response”. I'm super excited for you to connect with her.

As Ellen attended Columbia University for medical school, she also received her BA in English from Yale. She's a board certified psychiatrist, acupuncturist and yoga teacher. One of my favorite parts of her work is she takes a functional medicine approach to mental health: she considers the whole person and addresses the root of the problem rather than just reflexively prescribing medications to suppress symptoms.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. my personal paths with anxiety disorders and anxiety attacks

  2. why you might have been feeling unexpected waves of depression or anxiety

  3. top sneaky ways anxiety comes through (and many of these you would never guess— they were certainly surprises for me!)

  4. how Dr. Vora has no fear to share her spiritual & “witchy” beliefs

  5. and what that means for her and her practice and how she can best serve us!

We also dive into your listener questions submitted by those of you who are a part of the soul fam over on my Instagram @IAMALYSONCHARLES

Make sure to join us in our closing ceremony: an amazing shamanic shaking practice that would be beneficial any time, but especially when you need to clear off some stress.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com.

Check out Ellen’s new book “The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response”

This episode was made possible by my new book Animal Power, now available! Go to alysoncharles.com/animalpower to learn more and get your own copy.

Alyson Charles