A Healing Sonic Journey for Your Soul with Shivarasa

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Today's sacred voyage takes us into the world of sound! Imagine fusing elements of global bass electronic middle Eastern music, hip hop, and ambient soundscapes. There’s nobody better to embody this fusion than Iranian-American producer, DJ and sound healer, Shivarasa (who has the best name ever!).

I was lucky enough to meet Shivarasa when we were both a part of the Modern Nirvana conference. She was on the turntables while Luke and I gave a talk on sacred unions for our brand. She had a dynamic energy and I loved to see a strong female in a typically male dominated field (something I can for sure relate to). She's garnered respect from and played for some of the biggest names in both the music and spiritual worlds. And today she and I go with you on a fully live journey of our own. I was instructed by Divine to not have any questions. prepared in advance, so we just flow—to some great and unexpected places!

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. what is behind the medicine name “Shivarasa” and what does the name mean?

  2. what it’s like creating music with a spiritual vibe

  3. how she takes folks on a fully immersive sonic journey

  4. what does she do to overcome stage fright and how does she get over a performance that didn’t go as planned?

  5. the power of breath work.

Make sure to join us in our closing practice: a full length breath work track produced by none other than Shivarasa herself.

Disclaimer: if you're new to breath work, be mindful—go into it with an extra layer of awareness and take it easy—because breath work can be incredibly potent.

Stay tuned as we also dive into how you can unlock your inner rockstar, make music and unleash your creativity—and why you should never be ashamed to do so.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com.

Follow Shivarasa on Instagram or Spotify.

This episode was made possible by my best-selling book, Animal Power. You can find out more at http://alysoncharles.com/animalpower.

Alyson Charles