Makihaunu, Ayahuasca & Dreams: Natural Technologies To Connect with Your Divinity With Manari Ushigua, Leader of the Sápara Nation

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You are in for a deeply reverent and honoring treat today! We are all blessed to share potent ancient wisdom space today with Manari Ushigua, the spiritual leader of the Sápara nation and Ecuadorian Amazon. I've been connected with Menotti for a while—I've even taken part in his Dream World online program.

With less than 600 of the Sápara nation peoples left on the planet and Manari being their leader to them, it felt so imperatively vital to have him on the podcast so we can help keep their ancient Amazonian wisdom traditions alive.

In addition, on today’s voyage we are also being joined by the amazing Jessica Scheer. She is the bridge and translator and making today's Ceremony Circle voyage possible. 

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. why learning to work with your dreams is so important and how to do so

  2. more about Makihaunu—the path to the spirit world

  3. Working with Grandmother Medicine, Ayahuasca, in his tradition

  4. the Sápara Nation’s view on women

  5. some samples of the power of the ancient Kichwa language

I also took listener questions from my Instagram followers at @IAMALYSONCHARLES—if you want to ask a question of a future guest or to connect with me, follow me there or go to

Most importantly, if you'd like to enter the world of dreams with Manari yourself, you can enroll right now in his Dream World program If you use code ROCKSTAR10 at checkout,  you will automatically be making a donation to the Sápara peoples and their sacred traditions and land. 

And as Manari is also the founder of Naku, a healing retreat center in Ecuador, I also wanted to receive his wisdom teachings on working with Ayahuasca, and his views on how to best do so with honor and reverence. 

Make sure to join us in our closing practice: Manari shared a song from the Amazonian jungles that calls in everyone's spirit and heart medicine.

You can sign up for Manari’s Dream World online program, learn more about Naku, or follow him on TikTok and Instagram. Connect with him directly for a one-to-one dream interpretation, virtual healing, or private ceremony at

Alyson Charles