Comedy + Spirituality: The Medicine of Breaking Free with Kate Wolff

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Today you're going to get to meet a longtime friend of mine. We actually go all the way back to my time living in New York City, and she is going to bring some super unique essences, teachings and energies to the Ceremony Circle space—healer, stand up comedian and tarot reader, Kate Wolff. 

As I mentioned, Kate and I go way back—she even had me as a guest on her show Invasion of Privacy, and we definitely relive that hilarious time on today's episode.

In addition to a healer and tarot reader, Kate Wolff is a standup comedian who you might've seen on truTV, Elite Daily, FOX’s Red Eye and Nickelodeon's NickMom Night Out. She's also performed in the New York Comedy Festival and many others. 

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. what it's like bringing the world of spirituality and healing to the unexpected world of comedy

  2. the deep, deep, inner work she has done on herself

  3. how she's able to so brilliantly combine her edgy humor with her spiritual beliefs.

  4. her tips on how we can express our unique energies and frequencies on this earthly realm

  5. how to have fun and break free from the illusions that keep us feeling stuck


I simply could not resist asking her to provide all of us a tarot reading today, so she does, and I think you’re going to love it!

Make sure to stick around for our closing ceremony practice—a healing fire & water guided meditation led by Kate herself.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Connect with Kate Wolff for healing sessions and tarot readings at or her website

This episode was made possible by Lotus Wei. Check them out at —and make sure to use code MYSTIC to get your Soul Fam discount!

Alyson Charles